Portamix Blog

Pros and Cons of Epoxy Flooring

Written by Gerry Suckling | Nov 22, 2022

Details, Pros, and Cons of Epoxy Flooring in the U.S.

Epoxy flooring is one of the leading flooring solutions for high-traffic, commercial and industrial spaces in the U.S.

 Epoxy resin is strong, durable, chemical-resistant, impact-resistant, and available in various colors, making it a functional and aesthetic choice for these facilities. To help you make the most informed decision about pouring epoxy floor coating in your facility, Portamix developed this comprehensive list of the pros and cons.



Pro: Epoxy Flooring is Economical

Epoxy flooring usually costs less than other self-levelling flooring compounds. One reason for this is that you can pour epoxy flooring over existing flooring materials, such as wood and untreated concrete, however each application will need correct preparation and priming. Furthermore, epoxy flooring is durable and does not need to be replaced as often as other flooring materials, meaning you also save money on repair and replacement costs. Overall, you benefit from a long lifecycle that saves you money over time.


Pro: Epoxy Flooring is Durable

As stated above, epoxy flooring is extremely durable, standing up to chemicals and heavy traffic. Epoxy floor coatings are resistant to strong impacts and many hazards, including industrial chemicals, cleaners, petrol, oil, and more. Due to these properties, it is the choice flooring compound for many commercial facilities, including automotive shops, factories, warehouses, labs, medical facilities, and retail spaces.


Pro: Epoxy Flooring is Customizable

With epoxy flooring, you don't have to sacrifice design for durability. Epoxy flooring is available in limitless colors and design options, and you can even get creative with flake flooring, patterns, logos and metallic effects. Design flexibility takes epoxy flooring out of strictly commercial use cases and makes it an equally popular choice for garages, basements and other residential applications.


Con: Epoxy Flooring May be Slippery

Epoxy flooring may become slippery when wet. This can be dangerous, especially if you have epoxy flooring in places like shopping malls, hospitals, gymnasiums, and other places with lots of people. However, to prevent slipperiness, you can mix a non-slip additive into the topcoat.


Con: Epoxy Flooring Can be Difficult to Pour

Pouring epoxy flooring will require professional contractors and equipment because it can be tricky to nail by yourself. Epoxy floor coating consists of a resin and a hardener that must be quickly and thoroughly mixed, then poured and leveled before the mixture cures. To ensure they mix the epoxy floor coating effectively, contractors can rely on specialized equipment, like Portamix mixers, to get the job done. Portamix mixers, such as the Hippo Mixer, have a powerful electrical motor that mixes flooring compounds faster than traditional hand mixers, ensuring all of the air bubbles and lumps are removed. When it comes to pouring epoxy flooring, the Hippo Mixer features a double T-Bar control handle to help regulate the volume of flooring compound you pour in any given area. If you want to experience ongoing successful epoxy flooring application, make sure you have the best tools for the job.


To learn more about how the Hippo Mixer can help you mix and pour epoxy flooring, email sales@portamix.com.